festivals and awards
BILINGUAL, Dir. Chamoun Issa. 18 mins. HD 25P, Colour, PAL, 16:9
PRIX INTERCULTUREL & ARTE-KURZFILM-PREIS @ Munich International Festival of Film SchoolsMunich International Festival of Film Schools, 2005
My Brother My Enemy, documentary by Masood Khan & Kamaljeet Negi. 42 mins, Colour, PAL, 4:3 LB.
Best Debut film at the Film South Asia 05.
Shortlisted for Grierson Awards, 2005.
Commendation - RAI World Ethnographical Film Festival, OXFORDl 2005.
"After" Dir. Kim Noce, 6 mins 30 secs, 35mm, 16:9 FHA, Colour, Dolby Digital Clay, Paint on glass, Sculpture, AFX composite.
Jury award for best Animation at the SOPOT Film Festival Awards, Poland. 2005.
Awarded the Best School Work Prize at ANIMA '05 - III Córdoba Animation Festival, Argentina.
Brush with Death # - Documentary, Dir: Syed Fayaz; Producer: Syed Fayaz 16mins, DV. National Award @ Vatavaran2003, Wildlife film festival of India.